Boost your workplace knowledge with the Basics Quiz
Take our Workplace Basics Quiz to:
- check your understanding of workplace rights and responsibilities
- get tailored information to improve your knowledge.
Get guidance on topics like awards and agreements, public holidays and the National Employment Standards.
Find out which award covers you and what your minimum conditions are.
Learn about enterprise agreements, how to check if you’re covered by one and understanding entitlements.
Employers must give every new employee one or more information statements when they start work.
Learn what the National Employment Standards are and who they apply to.
Employment contracts can set out employment conditions - find out more about contracts.
Find out about ordinary and overtime hours, breaks and rosters in your industry.
Read more about how employers and employees can make flexible working arrangements in the workplace.
Learn about performance management, when employees get warnings and serious misconduct.
Read more about what employee rights are protected at work and where to get help.
Discover what happens to employee entitlements when a business changes owners.
Find out about what industrial action is and when it can be taken. Also learn about workplace rights and responsibilities and protests.
Learn about the role of unions in the workplace and about bargaining with unions.
Find out about unions entering the workplace.
Learn about bullying, sexual harassment and discrimination.
Find out what workers compensation is, and who to contact for help about payments.
If you can’t find the answer to your question, you can also search our Library. Try searching for ‘breaks’ or 'public holidays' for more information.
Boost your workplace knowledge with the Basics Quiz
Take our Workplace Basics Quiz to:
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