Aquaculture Industry Award [MA000114]
Who the Aquaculture Award covers
The Aquaculture Award covers employers engaged in the breeding, production, farming and related harvesting of fish, shellfish, crustacea and marine vegetation, as well as related operations including initial preparation for market. Employees are covered if the award has a classification for the work they do.
Examples of employees and employers covered by the Aquaculture Award include:
- finfish employees who:
- operate boats (including loading and unloading boats)
- moore pens
- wash, change or repair nets
- move materials or equipment
- prepare for market/transport
- harvest fish (including bleeding)
- husband fish (including observing, separating, mortality retrieval and feeding)
- operate mechanical equipment to prepare products for market
- manage and direct employees to do any of the above.
- shellfish employees who:
- operate boats or punts
- load, unload, move, pack, and construct materials and related equipment (including baskets, cages, droplines and oyster racking)
- record data
- operate mechanical equipment (for example, grading machines)
- prepare products for market/transport
- undertake general maintenance duties
- manage and direct employees to do any of the above.
The Aquaculture Award also covers labour hire businesses and their employees who are placed with an organisation in the above industry.
Check the award for full information on who is covered and the classification descriptions.
Source reference: Aquaculture Industry Award [MA000114] clauses 2, 4 and Schedule A
Who the Aquaculture Award doesn’t cover
The following employers and employees are not covered by the Aquaculture Award:
- employees who fillet, weigh, clean or package, store or refrigerate fish, shellfish, crustacea and marine vegetation
- employees who operate boats or sea vessels for who are not part of the aquaculture industry.
Check the award for full information on coverage and classifications.
Source reference: Aquaculture Industry Award [MA000114] clauses 2, 4 and Schedule A
Not the right award?
If your industry or work isn’t covered above, you can also check:
Find your pay and entitlements
- Calculate pay
- Calculate leave
- Calculate notice and redundancy
- Download the Aquaculture Industry Award [MA000114] Pay Guide (DOCX) (PDF) for a summary of pay rates, all allowances and common penalties in this award.
Pay and entitlements less than the award?
Employees must be paid at least award pay rates and entitlements.
If your pay rates are less than the award, go to Help resolving workplace issues to follow our step by step guide on how you can fix it.
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