Minimum working age
Find out what age you can legally start work across Australia.
On this page:
What’s the minimum age you can start work?
The minimum age for working depends on the state or territory you’re working in.
The minimum age you can start work applies to all workers, including those starting an apprenticeship or traineeship.
Check what age you can start work in your state or territory:
- Australian Capital Territory (Canberra, ACT) – ACT Government Community Services on 13 22 81
- New South Wales (NSW) – NSW Office of Industrial Relations on 13 16 28
- Northern Territory (NT) – NT Government on (08) 8999 5511
- Queensland (QLD) – QLD Government on 13 74 68
- South Australia (SA) – SafeWork SA on 1300 365 255
- Tasmania (TAS) WorkSafe TAS on 1300 366 322 (within Tasmania) or (03) 6166 4600 (outside Tasmania)
- Victoria (VIC) – Wage Inspectorate Victoria on 1800 287 287
- Western Australia (WA) – Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety on 1300 655 266 (within Western Australia) or (08) 6251 2100 (from interstate).
Working during school hours
If you want to work during school hours, you usually need to be of the minimum school leaving age or have completed the minimum year of schooling.
State and territories have their own rules about when you can leave school.
Check with the relevant state or territory education authority for more information:
- Australian Capital Territory (Canberra, ACT) – ACT Education Directorate on (02) 6205 5429
- New South Wales (NSW) – NSW Department of Education on 1300 679 332
- Northern Territory (NT) – NT Department of Education on (08) 8999 5511
- Queensland (QLD) – QLD Government on 13 74 68
- South Australia (SA) – SA Department of Education and Child Development on (08) 8226 1000
- Tasmania (TAS) – TAS Department of Education on 1800 816 057
- Victoria (VIC) – VIC Department of Education and Training on (03) 9637 2000
- Western Australia (WA) – WA Department of Education on (08) 9264 4111.
Have a workplace problem?
Problems can happen in any workplace. If you have a workplace problem, we have tools and information to help you resolve it.
Check out our Fixing a workplace problem section for practical information about:
- working out if there is a problem
- speaking with your employer or employee about fixing the problem
- getting help from us if you can't fix the problem.