Results of live production industry campaign
20 November 2014
The Fair Work Ombudsman today released the findings of its recent pro-active education and compliance campaign into the live production industry on the eastern seaboard.
Fair Work inspectors visited 54 employers selected at random in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, the Victorian Goldfields region, the NSW Macquarie, Illawarra and Central Coast regions and Toowoomba, Rockhampton, Townsville and the Sunshine Coast in Queensland.
The campaign was initiated after information was received that some employers were underpaying staff.
Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James says the aim was to assess compliance with the Fair Work Act 2009 and the Live Performance Award 2010.
“While an analysis of previous requests for assistance from employees in this sector revealed no significant issues, it did show that this is an industry which employs many young and vulnerable workers,” she said.
“Vulnerable workers can be reluctant to make complaints about being underpaid, or may be unsure of where to seek assistance.”
Fair Work inspectors found that 83 per cent of businesses were compliant with their record-keeping and pay-slip obligations and 69 per cent were paying their staff the correct wages and entitlements.
Ms James says a number of employers were paying flat rates between $25 and $30 an hour - and while this was above the minimum hourly rate, in some instances it was insufficient to cover overtime, late night penalties and Sunday penalty rates.
Almost $3000 was recovered from three businesses for six employees.
“All employers were advised that it is correct practice to pay at least the applicable minimum hourly rates of pay prescribed in the Award for all hours worked,” Ms James said.
“The results of the campaign indicate an encouraging level of compliance in the industry. Where we found errors, these were voluntarily resolved by the employers concerned.
“We will continue to monitor complaints received from the industry and whether subsequent education and compliance activity is required in the future. “We encourage employers to refer to our website and to use the free tools and resources available to them.”
People seeking assistance can visit Underpinning the website is the Fair Work Ombudsman’s small business helpline. Callers to 131394 can choose to receive priority service.
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Media inquiries:
Nicci de Ryk, Senior Media Adviser
Phone: 03 9954 2503