High marks for Tamworth and Armidale employers
21 November 2014
More than three-quarters of businesses in Tamworth and Armidale in regional NSW are complying with their record-keeping and pay-slip obligations under federal workplace laws, random checks by the Fair Work Ombudsman have revealed.
Fair Work inspectors made face-to-face visits to 177 employers as part of an ongoing effort to raise awareness among employers of the importance of keeping proper records.
The Fair Work Ombudsman continues to see employers failing to keep adequate records and issuing pay slips that do not contain the required information.
Inadequate records hamper the ability of Fair Work inspectors to determine if employees are being paid correctly if a dispute arises over wages. In the past, the Agency has taken legal action against some employers who did not keep adequate records and who were suspected of underpaying their staff.
The Fair Work Ombudsman liaised with the Armidale and Tamworth Business Chambers before commencing site visits in November last year.
Auditing has now concluded and the results are revealed in a report released today.
Ninety-seven per cent of employers (171) were found to be meeting their record-keeping responsibilities and 89 per cent (157) were complying with pay slip laws.
Most of the issues identified related to employers failing to keep records of hours worked by employees and failing to issue employees with sufficiently-detailed pay slips within one working day of pay day.
Eleven per cent of employers (20) had not been providing a copy of the Fair Work Information Statement to new employees.
Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James today welcomed the high compliance rates but stressed the importance of businesses being diligent about meeting their workplace obligations.
“Businesses who fail to keep proper employment records and issue sufficiently detailed pay slips are at much higher risk of underpaying their employees," she said.
Ms James says it was particularly pleasing to see the employers who made mistakes promptly rectify their errors and put processes in place to ensure future compliance.
During their visits, Fair Work inspectors informed employers of the free resources available at www.fairwork.gov.au to assist them to comply with workplace laws.
Online resources include templates for time-and-wages records and pay slips, fact sheets and tools for determining correct rates of pay for employees, such as PayCheck Plus.
Any employer or employee seeking advice can also call the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94, or on 13 14 50 if they need an interpreter. Small Business owners calling the Infoline can opt to be put through to the Small Business Helpline to receive priority service.
Follow Fair Work Ombudsman Natalie James on Twitter @NatJamesFWO , the Fair Work Ombudsman @fairwork_gov_au
or find us on Facebook www.facebook.com/fairwork.gov.au
Media inquiries:
Tom McPherson, Media Adviser
Mobile: 0439 835 855