JB Hi-Fi acts to improve workplace practices
23 November 2018
The Fair Work Ombudsman has published a report on its compliance partnership with Australian home entertainment and consumer electrical retailer, JB Hi-Fi Group Pty Ltd.
JB Hi-Fi signed a proactive compliance deed with the FWO in 2014 that committed it to a range of measures to promote workplace compliance across its business.
The partnership followed a FWO investigation the previous year that identified time-keeping problems had led to underpayments at a JB Hi-Fi store.
JB Hi-Fi conducted a self-audit involving a total of 337 employees from 22 stores across its network in the first year of the partnership.
The company identified and rectified underpayments totalling $1,397 for 15 workers, with individual underpayments ranging from $2.36 to $367.90.
JB Hi-Fi reported that the underpayments arose due to time-keeping errors and found no underpayments of hourly rates, penalty rates or loadings.
The partnership led to JB Hi-Fi enhancing its workplace training of managers and staff, and implementing a new online time and attendance system.
The company also appointed employee liaison officers, so that workers could raise issues directly with head office.
During the compliance partnership, the FWO did not receive any requests for assistance from JB Hi-Fi employees involving workplace disputes.
Fair Work Ombudsman Sandra Parker said the partnership demonstrates the importance of businesses having robust systems in place.
“The measures JB Hi-Fi implemented under the partnership benefit all of its employees and reduce the risk of future workplace breaches occurring in its network,” Ms Parker said.
“Workplace compliance should be a top priority for all businesses, and we have a range of resources available to help employers comply with their obligations.”
Employers and employees seeking assistance from the Fair Work Ombudsman can visit www.fairwork.gov.au or contact the Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94. An interpreter service is available by calling 13 14 50.
JB Hi-Fi Group Pty Ltd has over 180 stores across Australia and employs approximately 7700 staff.
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Download the JB Hi-Fi Group Pty Ltd Compliance Partnership Report
Media inquiries:
Yasmin Daymond, Assistant Director - Media
Mobile: 0421 630 460