Changes to rosters and overtime in the Retail Award

Published 12 July 2024
Find out about changes to rosters and overtime in the Retail Award.
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What’s changed
The Fair Work Commission (the Commission) has made changes to the wording of the Retail Award in relation to:
These changes took effect from the first full pay period starting on or after 5 July 2024.
If an employee works 6 days in one week of a 2-week roster cycle, then the employee can only work ordinary hours on a maximum of 4 days in the other week of that cycle.
This means that an employee can work up to 4 days in the first week and 6 days in the second week. Previously, the week of up to 4 days had to follow the week of 6 days.
There is no change to the total number of days an employee can work in a fortnight.
Overtime for part-time employees
Part-time employees now get overtime rates if they work outside the spread of ordinary hours in the award.
The spread of ordinary hours under the award hasn’t changed.
You can read more about the spread of ordinary hours and overtime. Select your industry and sub-industry on our page When overtime applies.
We have updated the information in our Pay and Conditions Tool.
Award resources
Access these resources for more information:
To learn more about these award changes, access the Commission’s decision.
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Related information
- Commission’s decision
- Commission’s final determination