New My account login processes

Published 26 February 2022

There is a new way to register for My account.

We’ve added multi-factor authentication, which means you’ll need to verify your email address and phone number when you register. If you already have a My account, you’ll also need to re-register to be able to log in.

Every time you log in, you will need to verify your phone number.

How to register or re-register for My account

Here’s the process to follow if you’re:

  • creating a My account for the first time
  • logging in to your My account for the first time after 25 February 2022.

1. Go to Register for My account.

New My account registration form

Verify your email address

2. Enter your email address.

New My account registration form - enter email prompt

Remember, if you have an existing My account, use the email address you’ve previously used to make sure that you keep your saved information and enquiry history. If you don’t have access to that email account anymore to complete verification, call us and we can update your email address.

3. Press ‘Send verification code’.

New My account registration form - send verification code

4. Open the email from ‘Microsoft on behalf of Fair Work Ombudsman’.

If you can’t find the email, check your junk mail. You can also press ‘Send new code’ to get a new code emailed to you.

Sample email verification email for My account from the Fair Work Ombudsman

5. Enter the 6-digit code from the email in the ‘Verification Code’ box.

6. Press ‘Verify code’.

Verification code prompt for My account login

7. Check that you can see the message ‘Email address verified. You can continue now.’

If you have entered the wrong email address, press ‘Change email.’

Remember, if you have an existing My account, use the email address you’ve previously used to make sure that you keep your saved information and enquiry history.

Set your new password

8. In the ‘New password box’, enter your password. Make sure your password follows the rules set out.

New password prompt for new My account

9. In the ‘Confirm new password’ box, retype your password.

10. Read and confirm that you agree to the My account privacy statement and terms and conditions and press ‘Continue’.

My account privacy state and terms and conditions prompt

11.    In the ‘Verify your account’ box, provide a phone number to receive a phone call or a code via SMS to verify your account.

  • Select your phone number’s country/region from the drop-down menu under ‘Country Code’.
  • Type your phone number, including area codes if you’re giving a landline number.
  • Press ‘SMS code’ if you’d like to receive a code via SMS or ‘Call me’ if you’d like to receive a phone call.

Your phone number can be a mobile phone number or a landline.

My account verify phone number prompt

Verify your account using a phone call

If you selected ‘Call me’, you won’t receive a code. You’ll receive a phone call from a number beginning with +1. When you answer the call, you’ll be asked to select the ‘pound’ key, which means the ‘#’ or ‘hash’ key, on your phone. 

Once you select the pound key, your account will be verified and your screen will refresh. 

Verify your account using a SMS code

If you selected ‘SMS code’, check your mobile phone for the code. Type this 6-digit code into the verify your account field and press ‘Verify code’.

My account verify phone number with SMS code prompt Verify your account with SMS code prompt for new My account login

If you didn’t receive a code or entered the code incorrectly, you can press ‘Send a new code’.

Finalise your registration 

12.    It’s time to complete your profile. Add your:

  • name and address
  • customer type
  • business industry
  • business sub-industry
  • business location.

If you’ve re-registered using the same email address you previously used for My account, all of your existing information will appear in your new profile. You can update any profile information that has changed.

New My account register login form

13. Click the My account terms and conditions and privacy statement.

14. Press ‘Register.

15. A box with the message ‘You have successfully registered for My account’ will have appeared under the Register button.

My account registration success prompt - green tick

16. Click the link in the box to go to your My account dashboard.

Explore My account

17.    Check out My account, where you can submit an enquiry and find tailored news and resources. 

New My account homepage

If you’ve re-registered using the same email address your saved information and enquiry history will still be available

How to log in to My account once you’ve registered

1.    Go to the My account login page.

New My account login page with username and password prompt

2. Type in your email address and password and press ‘Log in’.

3. Select ‘Call me’ to receive a phone call or ‘SMS code’ to receive your code via SMS.

If you selected ‘Call me’, you won’t receive a code. You’ll receive a phone call from a number beginning with +1. When you answer the call, you’ll be asked to select the ‘pound’ key, which refers to the ‘#’ key, on your phone. Once you select the pound key, your account will be verified and your screen will refresh.

Two-factor authenticator prompt for My account customers - receive SMS code or phone call

If you selected ‘SMS code’, check your mobile phone for the code.

Sample SMS code for My account customers to log into their account

Enter your 6-digit code and press ‘Verify code’.

Log into My account prompt asking for verification code received via SMS

If you didn’t receive a code or entered the code incorrectly, you can press ‘Send a new code’.

4. You’re in! Explore your My account dashboard.

New My account dashboard