Higher Education Industry - Academic Staff - Award [MA000006]

Who the Higher Education Academic Staff Award covers

The Higher Education Academic Staff Award covers employers in the higher education industry and their academic staff whose work fits within the classifications of the award.

The higher education industry means educational institutions (eg. universities):

  • providing undergraduate and postgraduate teaching leading to accredited degrees
  • performing research to support and inform curriculum.

Examples of employees covered by the Higher Education Academic Staff Award includes:

  • academic teachers and research staff employees including:
    • tutors
    • lecturers
    • markers.

The Higher Education Academic Staff Award also covers labour hire businesses and their employees who are academic staff employees working at an organisation in the higher education industry.

Check the award for full information on who is covered and the classification descriptions.

Source reference: Higher Education Industry - Academic Staff Award [MA000006] clauses 2, 4 and 18, and schedule A

Who the Higher Education Academic Staff Award doesn't cover

The following employers and employees are not covered by the Higher Education Academic Staff Award:

  • general staff employed in the higher education industry including:
    • cleaners
    • clerical and administrative workers
    • security officers
    • librarians
    • research assistants
    • faculty administrators
  • employees who mainly teach ELICOS, TESOL or other English language courses
  • employees who mainly teach TAFE subjects.

Check the award for full information on coverage and classifications.

Source reference: Higher Education Industry - Academic Staff Award [MA000006] clauses 2, 4 and 14, and schedule A

Not the right award?

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Pay and entitlements less than the award?

Employees must be paid at least award pay rates and entitlements.

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