Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award [MA000026]
Who the Graphic Arts and Printing Award covers
The Graphic Arts and Printing Award covers employers and employees in the graphic arts, printing, publishing and associated industries and occupations.
Employees are covered if there is a classification for the work they do.
Graphic arts, printing, publishing and associated industries and occupations means:
- composing, reading, electrotyping, stereotyping, letterpress machining, lithographic machining, lithographing, screen printing, printing of all classes, slug-casting or type-casting machine attending and adjusting and/or repairing
- type-founding
- engraving, process engraving and/or photo engraving
- commercial and/or lithographic designing, writing and/or drawing
- publishing
- book-binding, binding, paper ruling and/or paper cutting
- paper making, paper working, calico and/or paper bag making
- envelope making, stationery making and/or paper products working
- embossing
- cardboard box and carton making (including any kind of boxes and paper or cardboard containers that are used alone or combined with any other materials)
- mailing houses including
- folding
- paging
- numbering
- perforating
- gathering
- collating
- inter-leaving
- wrapping
- sealing
- addressing
- mailing
- despatching
- stamping
- inserting
- security paper working
- wire stapling
- envelope working
- direct mail systems working
- addressograph work
- paper products work
- machine work connected to enveloping, sealing, automatic/computer addressing and/or wrapping
- creating designs, concepts or layouts used, or intended to be used:
- in advertising
- in marketing commodities or service, or
- for any other uses connected to the industry of commercial and industrial art.
- execution of finished commercial and industrial art, that is, preparing individual components of finished art (including illustrations, borders, retouching photographs, photographic reproportioning and hand or transfer lettering) and the final assembly of these components (including the paste up of reproduction type, profiling illustrations, key line drawings etc.)
- producing non-daily and daily newspapers (including any work in printing and any kindred industries)
- commercial and industrial art that is connected to producing non-daily and daily newspapers
- composing, imposition or assembling matter for printing
- using cameras or scanners or transparency duplications to transfer images to obtain a relief of planographic or intaglio formation for printing
- plastics manufacturing or any of the processes connected to manufacturing plastics or goods manufactured from plastics or plastic substitutes (but only if it is connected to printing)
- despatching (if it is related to the industries covered by the Graphic Arts and Printing Award).
Examples of employees and employers covered by the Graphic Arts and Printing Award include:
- printer
- art and/or designing (including commercial art) employee
- screen printer
- machinist
- keyboard operator/assembler
- graphic pre-press tradesperson
- packer and/or despatcher
- printing machinist
- binder and finisher
- maintenance employee
- stamping employee
- embosser
- graphic pre-press employee.
The Graphic Arts and Printing Award also covers:
- labour hire businesses and their employees who are placed with an organisation within the industry
- on-hire employees who fit in the classifications, if their employer isn't covered by another award that is more appropriate.
Check the award for full information on who is covered and the classification descriptions.
Source reference: Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award [MA000026] clause 4 and 17
Who the Graphic Arts and Printing Award doesn't cover
The following employers and employees are not covered by the Graphic Arts and Printing Award:
- clerical or administrative employees
- transport and delivery employees
- employees who work in the book industry as editors and publicists.
Check the award for full information on coverage and classifications.
Source reference: Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award [MA000026] clause 4 and 17
Not the right award?
If your industry or work isn't covered above, you can also check:
Find your pay and entitlements
- Calculate pay
- Calculate leave
- Calculate notice and redundancy
- Download the Graphic Arts, Printing and Publishing Award [MA000026] Pay Guide (DOCX) | (PDF) for a summary of pay rates, all allowances and common penalties in this award.
Pay and entitlements less than the award?
Employees must be paid at least award pay rates and entitlements.
If your pay rates are less than the award, go to Help resolving workplace issues to follow our step by step guide on how you can fix it.
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