About our digital experience survey

We are conducting a series of surveys through our website to gather feedback from customers about the effectiveness of our digital tools.

Former construction business in court

The Fair Work Ombudsman has commenced legal action against the former operators of a construction business in Sydney’s south-west.

Hairdressing salon operators face court for alleged failure to pay unfair dismissal compensation

The Fair Work Ombudsman has commenced legal action against the operators of two hair dressing salons in western Sydney for allegedly failing to comply with a Fair Work Commission order to pay compensation to an unfairly dismissed teenage worker.

Nightclub security operator penalised

The Fair Work Ombudsman has secured a $6,600 penalty in court against the former senior manager of an Adelaide-based company that provided nightclub and event security services around Australia.

Take-away food operator in court

The Fair Work Ombudsman has commenced legal action against the operator of a take-away food business at Echuca, in regional Victoria.

FWO and Home Affairs inspect Melbourne businesses

The Fair Work Ombudsman and Australian Border Force (ABF) officers from the Department of Home Affairs have made surprise inspections this week of about 40 Melbourne businesses employing migrant workers.

Fair Work Ombudsman targets Hobart eateries

The Fair Work Ombudsman is making surprise inspections of fast food outlets, restaurants and cafes in inner Hobart and its north-eastern suburbs this week to check workers are getting the right pay and entitlements.

Flooding in parts of Australia

Learn your workplace rights and responsibilities if you've been affected by flooding.

Supporting workers in closing power stations

When a coal-fired or gas-fired power station closes, affected workers may be able to access support from their employer and the Australian Government.

Hamilton Island operators sign Enforceable Undertaking

The companies responsible for the operation of Hamilton Island in Queensland have back-paid staff more than $28.1 million and have signed an Enforceable Undertaking (EU) with the Fair Work Ombudsman.