I'm a migrant worker being treated unfairly
It can be difficult to deal with unfair treatment when you’re a migrant worker.
Migrant workers and visa holders (including international students) have the same workplace entitlements and protections as all other employees in Australia.
On this page:
How to discuss your workplace rights
Before you start – information you need
- Information about your workplace entitlements.
- Translated information in our Language help section.
- Your employer’s business details, such as their ABN or registered address. This information can be found on a pay slip, employment contract or visa documentation.
Steps to take
1. Find out what the rules are
- We have information and resources in over 30 languages to help you understand your workplace rights and obligations when working in Australia.
- You can use our Pay Calculator to work out your correct pay rate.
2. Understand you have rights and protections
- You’re entitled to receive all of your workplace entitlements and protections, even if you haven’t followed the rules of your visa. Read about these protections at Visa holders and migrant workers page.
- New laws have been introduced to strengthen reporting protections for eligible visa holders experiencing workplace exploitation, allowing workers to seek help without fear of visa cancellation. Find more information, visit Visa protections – pilot programs.
3. Speak to your employer if you feel comfortable
- Once you’ve worked out your pay, talk to your employer to try to resolve the issue.
- Remember, an employer can’t cancel your visa. Only the Department of Home Affairs can cancel a visa.
4. Contact us for help
- You can contact us for help if you are worried about speaking to your employer.
- If you aren’t comfortable speaking to us directly or want to notify us on behalf of someone else, you can lodge an anonymous report in English or another language.
If you need more support
You can contact us for more information. We won’t contact your employer unless you give us permission to do so.
If you would like to talk to us using a translator, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450. They will call us for you and interpret your question.
Other common workplace problems
- My pay doesn't seem right
- I've been fired and I’m not sure what I’m entitled to
- Help with bullying in the workplace
- I'm not getting pay slips
- I could be in a sham contracting arrangement
Tools and resources
- An employee's guide to resolving workplace issuesAn employee's guide to resolving workplace issues
- Language help
- Report a workplace issue anonymously in your language
- Find help for Visa holders and migrant workers
- Record My Hours app