Journalists Published Media Award [MA000067]
Who the Journalists Award covers
The Journalists Award covers employers in the published media industry and their employees who fit within the classifications of the award.
The published media industry means the publication of:
- newspapers
- magazines
- periodicals
- journals and online productions
- wire services.
The published media industry includes employees engaged in journalism in its literary, artistic and photographic branches and / or the gathering, writing or preparing of news matter or news commentaries.
Examples of employees covered by the Journalists Award includes:
- cadet journalists, who may be employed as:
- graduate cadets
- standard cadets
- editorial employees.
The Journalists Award also covers labour hire businesses and their employees who are placed with an organisation in the published media industry.
Check the award for full information on coverage and classification descriptions.
Source reference: Journalists Published Media Award [MA000067] clauses 2, 4, and 11
Who the Journalists Award doesn't cover
Employees of metropolitan daily newspapers and their associated online publications are not covered by the Journalists Award if they are:
- chief of staff
- editor in chief
- editors.
Employees who are paid a salary that is more than the level 11 rate and who exercise significant editorial, artistic, or managerial control are also not covered by this award.
The Journalists Award doesn’t cover employers and employees when they are covered by one of the following awards:
- Graphic Arts and Printing Award
- Broadcasting Award
- Clerks Award.
Check the award for information on coverage and classifications.
Source reference: Journalists Published Media Award [MA000067] clauses 2, 4, and 11
Not the right award?
If your industry or work isn’t covered above, you can also check:
Find your pay and entitlements
- Calculate pay
- Calculate leave
- Calculate notice and redundancy
- Download Journalists Published Media Award [MA000067] Pay Guide (DOCX) (PDF) for a summary of pay rates, all allowances and common penalties in this award.
Pay and entitlements less than the award?
Employees must be paid at least award pay rates and entitlements.
If your pay rates are less than the award, go to Help resolving workplace issues to follow our step by step guide on how you can fix it.
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