Broadcasting, Recorded Entertainment and Cinemas Award [MA000091]
Who the Broadcasting Award covers
The Broadcasting Award covers employers in the broadcasting, recorded entertainment and cinema industry and their employees who fit within the classifications of the award.
The broadcasting, recorded entertainment and cinema industry means producing (pre and post-production), broadcasting, distributing, showing, making available, and/or sale of audio and audio/visual content.
Audio and audio/visual content includes:
- feature films
- television programs (includes series, serials, telemovies and mini-series)
- news and sports
- current affairs
- documentaries
- video clips
- digital video discs
- television commercials
- training films and similar content
for television exhibitions, theatrical exhibitions, sales to the public, digital media release or release in any other medium.
Examples of employees covered by the Broadcasting Award include:
- audio supervisors and directors
- technicians
- lighting operators
- master control operators
- post-production editors
- music and video librarians
- cameramen and ENG cameramen
- graphic artists
- production directors and producers
- make-up artists and hair stylists
- wardrobe employees
- set and prop designers and artists
- journalists
- cinema workers
- artists including performers, dancers and stunt artists
- radio announcers
- musicians including ensemble singers and instrumentalists
- motion picture production workers
- captioners, audio-describers, subtitlers and subtitling editors.
The Broadcasting Award also covers labour hire businesses and their employees who are placed within an organisation in the broadcasting, recorded entertainment and cinema industry.
Check the award for full information on who is covered and the classification descriptions.
Source reference: Broadcasting, Recorded Entertainment and Cinemas Award [MA000091] clauses 2, 4 and schedules A to G
Who the Broadcasting Award doesn't cover
The following employers and employees are not covered by the Broadcasting Award:
- television news anchors and presenters who only read the news and don't write the script
- journalists employed by the published media industry (such as newspapers, magazines and online publications)
- clerical and administrative workers
- models
- live theatre performers.
The Broadcasting Award doesn’t cover employers and employees when they are covered by one of the following awards:
- Clerks Award
- Journalists Award
- Pilots Award
- Commercial Sales Award.
Check the award for full information on coverage and classifications.
Source reference: Broadcasting, Recorded Entertainment and Cinemas Award [MA000091] clauses 2, 4 and schedules A to G
Not the right award?
If your industry or work isn't covered above, you can also check:
Find your pay and entitlements
- Calculate pay
- Calculate leave
- Calculate notice and redundancy
- Download the Broadcasting, Recorded Entertainment and Cinemas Award [MA000091] Pay Guide (DOCX) | (PDF) for a summary of pay rates, all allowances and common penalties in this award.
Pay and entitlements less than the award?
Employees must be paid at least award pay rates and entitlements.
If your pay rates are less than the award, go to Help resolving workplace issues to follow our step by step guide on how you can fix it.
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