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Words and acronyms starting with 'N'

A federal agreement created on 27 March 2006 preserving the conditions in a State award and / or state legislation from NSW, Queensland, South Australia or Tasmania. Modern awards replaced NAPSAs on 1 January 2010. Other known term: Notional agreement preserving state award.

The minimum entitlements that have to be provided to all employees.

A pay rate that applies to employees not covered by an award or registered agreement. Certain award or agreement free employees may have different pay entitlements depending on whether they have a reduced work capacity because of disability, if they're under the age of 21 or if they are an apprentice or trainee.

The national workplace relations system is a collection of legislation that applies to most employees and employers in Australia. It includes the Fair Work Act 2009, the National Employment Standards, registered agreements and awards.

Businesses that are sole traders, partnerships or other unincorporated organisations.

A non-small business employer is an employer with 15 or more employees at a particular time. When counting the number of employees, employees of associated entities of the employer are included. Casual employees aren’t included unless they’re engaged on a regular and systematic basis.