Pay slips and record-keeping
Employers have to keep certain information about each of their employees and give pay slips. Record-keeping and pay slip obligations help to ensure employees are paid the correct wages and entitlements.
Pay slips
Employees must get a pay slip within 1 working day of being paid. If your employer isn’t giving you a pay slip, ask for one.
Pay slips have to be provided to employees in English, either electronically or hard copy.
A pay slip has to include:
- the employer’s name
- the employers ABN
- the employee’s name
- the date of payment
- the period that the payment is for
- the gross and net amount of payment.
The pay slip also needs to have information about any bonuses, allowances, penalty rates, deductions and superannuation.
For a full list of what needs to be included on a pay slip and to find and download our template, go to the pay slips page.
Best practice tip
- Issue pay slips in an easy and printable format
- Make sure employees can access their pay slips in private
There are a number or records that employers need to keep for their employees. Employers have to keep time and wage records for 7 years. The records have to be clear and in English. If an employee asks to see their records, an employer must make them available.
Records can be also inspected at any time by a Fair Work Inspector.
Records can’t be false or changed. You can fix a mistake as long as you also make a record about the error and the reason for fixing it.
An employer has to keep records on:
- pay
- hours of work, including overtime
- leave
- termination of employment
- superannuation contributions
- individual flexibility arrangements
- guarantee of annual earnings
- transfer of business.
To find what information needs to be recorded and to download our record-keeping templates, go to our record-keeping page.
What to do next
- Use our pay slip template pay slip template
- Use the Record My Hours app (Record my hours app) to track your time at work
- Use our Templates and guides to manage your record keeping requirements