How the app works

Learn how the app works and some of its key features.

How your hours are recorded

The Record My Hours app (the app) allows users to automatically record when they start and finish work based on their location. You can also manually input shift times when needed.

To use the automatic shift recording function, you must enable location services on your device. If you don’t want to enable location services, you can still use the manual shift recording feature.


The app will send you notifications reminding you to enable access to your location. These reminders are designed to help you make the most of the app’s features. You can dismiss the notifications if you prefer not to enable location services.

Tip – Troubleshooting automatic shift recording issues

Some device settings can affect the performance of automatic shift recording. If you’re having issues, check:

  • The app is running in the background. For example, check the app hasn’t accidentally been swiped closed.
  • The ‘Location, Notifications and Physical Activity’ permissions are enabled and set to ‘Always’ (or the relevant selection on your device).
  • The ‘Pause app activity if unused’ setting is turned off on relevant devices. This can impact the automatic shift recording function if the app has not been opened for a period of time before your shift.
  • For Android devices, battery optimisation is disabled. There is a known issue with Google location services which can impact app performance when battery optimisation is used.

Due to the way some manufacturers configure their devices, automatic recording won’t work on some Android devices.

iPhone users may also experience issues with automatic recording if the app has been backgrounded for an extended period.

Automatic recording isn’t suitable for all job types, such as people working in areas with no mobile or Wi-Fi coverage or people who frequently travel for work. Manual recording has been incorporated to cater for this.

Fine-tuning automatically recorded shifts

You can fine-tune your start and or finish times to make sure they reflect the hours you’ve worked. Your timesheet export will show both your automatically recorded starting and finishing times and your adjusted shift times.


Sam finished her shift at the shop at 5 pm. She stayed in the shop to catch-up with one of her friends and didn’t leave until 5.25 pm. The app automatically recorded her shift finish time as 5.25 pm.

Using the app, Sam fine-tuned her finish time by selecting the most recent shift in the Work Record screen. She changed the finish time to 5pm to ensure she was keeping an accurate record of her hours.

Privacy and data storage

We don’t collect any personal information about you in our app and no app data is recorded or stored centrally by us. Any data recorded by you using the app is your data, and you are responsible for the way it is stored and saved.

We don’t have access to any of your app data. You are responsible for backing up your data by saving it outside of the app in a safe place you can retrieve it.

Learn more about your online privacy when using our app.

Exporting and saving data

The app allows you to export your data to your preferred email address or save it somewhere else.

Your data will be exported in a zip file that includes:

  • an Excel Timesheet spreadsheet created based on your recorded shifts
  • other employment information that you’ve saved in the app (for example, photos of your employment records that you’re allowed to take).

You can choose to export all your data, or export data for a specific job and date range.


Elijah wanted to share his recorded start and finish times for the last month with his manager. This was to help Elijah discuss his hours with his manager.

Elijah works 2 jobs so wanted to export app data for one specific job and date range. He did this through accessing the Work record screen and making the relevant selections. He emailed the data to his email and then shared this with his manager.

App notifications

Notifications are a key feature of the app. They prompt users to undertake tasks such as reviewing and verifying their shifts. It also allows users to receive important information about app updates.

If you don’t want to receive these notifications, you can choose to turn off the app notifications in the ‘Notifications’ settings of the app.

Previous app versions

There is no access to older versions of the app. The current version available on the App Store and Google Play is the only version available for download.

Contact us

If you would like to give feedback about the app or need help with a technical issue, please email us at

To help us address your concerns and improve your experience with the app, please include the following in your email:

  • your device make and model
  • description of the technical issue you’re encountering
  • if possible, screenshots or a screen recording or video of the issue (file size less than 20 MB).

Tools and resources

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