
Find out about changes to rosters and overtime in the Retail Award.

The Fair Work Commission (the Commission) has announced a 3.75% increase to the National Minimum Wage and minimum award wages.

Find out how an employee’s pay is calculated when they’re not given at least 12 hours break between shifts under the Retail Award.

The Australian Government has made changes to workplace laws as part of their ‘Closing Loopholes’ reforms.

Awards have been updated to reflect superannuation as an entitlement under the National Employment Standards (NES).

In November 2022, the ABCC commenced court proceedings alleging that the Construction, Forestry, Maritime, Mining and Energy Union (CFMMEU) (as it was then) and its officials Stephen Parker and Peter Joshua breached sections 340 and 346 of the Fair Work Act by making threats to an employee engaged to undertake construction work at Perth’s His Majesty’s Theatre on 19 July 2022.

The Fair Work Commission has made changes to travel time in the Real Estate Award.

As part of the Australian Government’s Protecting Worker Entitlements laws, there have been changes to the Fair Work Act.

The Fair Work Commission has made changes to the age group descriptions in 34 awards to make them clearer.

Find information on new enterprise agreements and enterprise bargaining laws.