
In March 2022, the ABCC commenced court proceedings alleging that Mr Travis Brook, and through him the CFMMEU, breached section 500 of the Fair Work Act while exercising entry rights as a permit holder on site at the Flinders University Health and Medical Research Building project in South Australia.

We have a new free online training course to help employers and their representatives understand how to respond if they receive a compliance notice from us.

Find out more about the 1 July 2022 changes to part-time employee and other entitlements under the Social, Community, Home care and Disability Services Industry (SCHADS) Award.

There is a new way to register for My account. We’ve added multi-factor authentication, which means you’ll need to verify your email address and phone number when you register.

On 26 February 2022, we launched our new My account, Online learning centre and Library.

We have translated Fair Work Information Statements and Casual Employment Information Statements in over 30 languages to help you understand your workplace rights and obligations in Australia.

We’ll soon be making some changes to some of our online services. Find out what’s changing and what you need to do.

From the first pay period on or after 1 July 2022, minimum payments for part-time employees in the Social and Community Services Award are changing.

We’ve re-launched our website with a new design and some updates to the way information is organised. Find out more.

The Fair Work Ombudsman is conducting an investigation into Crown Resorts following its self-reported underpayments of its staff.