Accessing our information

Find out about accessing information that we hold.

Information Publication Scheme

Under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (FOI Act), we proactively publish information about what we do and the way we do it. Read more about our Information Publication Scheme.

Requesting information or documents

Most requests for information or copies of documents can be dealt with informally and quickly under our Information Access Policy. A phone call or email may be all that's needed.

See the table below to find out who to contact to request information or documents.

The information I am seekingWho should I direct my request to?
Information about your request for assistanceContact the FWO officer you have been dealing with in relation to your matter.
Seeking advice or general informationPhone Fair Work Infoline on 13 13 94.
Seeking documents held by the FWOLodge a Freedom of Information request.

We can release documents under the Information Access Policy that relate to your request for assistance, including:

  • documents containing your own personal information (eg. your request for assistance form and supporting documents)
  • evidence we have that relates to your request for assistance (eg. time sheets, pay slips, emails, diary records, statutory declaration or formal statements)
  • notes we've taken during our conversations with you (other than notes made during mediation)
  • letters we've written to other parties about the issues in dispute
  • tribunal, court decisions or authorities we've relied on when making a decision
  • call information from our Infoline relating to you (including call summaries and recordings).

Read our Information Access Policy for more information about accessing information we hold.

Making a Freedom of Information (FOI) request

You have the right to:

  • access documents
  • ask for information about you to be changed or added if it's incomplete, out of date, incorrect or misleading
  • ask for a review of our decision if we refuse you access to a document or change your details.

If the document you want can't be released under our IA Policy, you can apply to access it under the FOI Act.

We can refuse to release some documents, or parts of documents, if the FOI Act allows it. This includes documents that:

  • affect the enforcement of law
  • are given to us in confidence
  • are subject to legal professional privilege.

Documents that have business and personal information in them may not be released unless it is in the public interest.

We will contact you to ask whether you agree to exclude public servants' names and contact details, where this information does not appear to be specifically relevant to the scope of an FOI request.

To make an FOI request you need to put your request in writing with the following information:

  • stating that you're making an application under the FOI Act
  • provide detailed information about the document you want, so we can identify it quickly
  • provide contact details so we can send you notices under the FOI Act (eg. email, postal, address or fax number).

Send your request to us:

  • at
  • post to Information Governance Team, Fair Work Ombudsman, GPO Box 9887 Melbourne VIC 3001.

We will always aim to send you a decision within the statutory timeframes allowed under the FOI Act. This generally means within 30 days from the day after we receive your request, but this timeframe will be extended if we have to consult with any third parties or for other reasons including the complexity of a request or the volume of documents sought. Like many government agencies, our staff’s ability to process FOI requests may be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. As a result, we may seek applicants’ agreement to extend processing timeframes connected to some requests.

Fees and charges

There's no application fee to make an FOI request.

There are no processing charges for documents containing your own personal information.

Processing charges may apply to other requests.

Read our FOI charges fact sheet to find out more about these charges.

If you disagree with our decision

When we've made a decision on your FOI request, we'll send you a letter explaining our decision and your review and appeal rights.

You can ask for the following decisions to be reviewed:

  • if we refuse to give you access to all or part of a document or if we defer giving you access
  • if we impose a charge
  • if we refuse to change or add to the information about you that you claim is incomplete, incorrect, out of date or misleading.

A third party who disagrees with our decision to give you documents that have information about them can also ask for our decision to be reviewed.

The decision will be reviewed internally by another officer in our agency. We'll tell you our decision within 30 days of getting your written request.

Information Commissioner review

You can also ask the Australian Information Commissioner to review our decision about your FOI request:

  • within 60 days of the decision or
  • within 30 days after you're notified if you're an affected third party.

The Information Commissioner can:

  • confirm our decision
  • change our decision
  • make a new decision.

More information is available from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's website.


If you’re unhappy with the way we’ve handled your FOI request, let us know. We’ll see if we can address your concerns. If you remain unhappy, you can complain to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner.

FOI complaints must be made in writing. You can:

You can find more information about making a complaint on the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's website .

Disclosure log

The Fair Work Ombudsman is required by the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (the FOI Act) to publish this disclosure log on its website. The disclosure log lists information that has been released in response to an FOI request. The disclosure log requirement does not apply to:

  • personal information about any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • information about the business, commercial, financial or professional affairs of any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • other information covered by a determination made by the Australian Information Commissioner if publication of that information would be unreasonable
  • any information it is not reasonably practicable to publish because of the extent of modifications needed to be made to remove the information listed above.

We maintain at least 5 years of disclosure log entries on our website. You can view earlier disclosure log entries on Trove.

To the extent that copyright in some of this material is owned by a third party, you may need to seek their permission before you can reuse that material.

Documents are provided in PDF format. We aim to provide documents in an accessible format. If you're having problems accessing a document, please email

On 6 February 2023, the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) was abolished and certain functions and responsibilities under the Fair Work Act 2009 transferred to us (the Fair Work Ombudsman).

If you have a question about the ABCC’s disclosure log or wish to make an information access request for ABCC information, please email You can view earlier ABCC disclosure log entries on Trove.

Request noDate releasedSummary of requestDocument typeSupplementary informationDocument
IA-23727 February 2025Data relating to investigations into intentional wage underpayment offenses/ criminal offences; statistics on enforcement actions; OFWO guides and policiesStatisticsRelease in part - All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11CIA-2372
IA-234720 December 2024Style Guides and Brand GuidesGuidesRelease in partIA-2347
IA-228314 November 2024Emails sent to and from either or between 1 January 2015 and 24 September 2024, from the email domains -,,, major Transport Authority and in full - All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11CIA-2283
IA-228829 October 2024The total number of both enquiries and RfAs received by the Fair Work Ombudsman regarding the fitness industry over the past five yearsSpreadsheetRelease in full - All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11CIA-2288
IA-223630 August 2024Internal policy and procedures regarding FOIPolicy and templates

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-223529 August 2024Internal policy and procedures regarding APP 12Policy and templates

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-2235 Package 1

IA-2235 Package 2

IA-222116 August 2024Time sheets, time records and expenditure regarding a proceedingInvoice and spreadsheet

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-116331 July 2024Details of any complaints or infringements lodged against Mantle Group HospitalityNotes

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-210127 June 2024Documents regarding the Record my hours (RMH) appEmails

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-2101 (Part 2)
IA-213223 May 2024Documents relating to the case of Fair Work Ombudsman v Construction, Forestry and Maritime Employees Union (M1 Yatala Exit 41 Case)Submissions

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-210122 May 2024Documents regarding the Record my hours (RMH) appEmails

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-204119 February 2024Between 1 July 2023 - 31 December 2023: documents regarding how FWO handled Robo-debt scheme.Emails

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-10446 February 2024Letter of Caution sent by the FWO to the Press Club and a copy of a letter sent to the FWO by the Press Club in reply to the Letter of Caution.Letters

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-184427 October 2023Information regarding the Fair Work Ombudsman’s inspection of agricultural businesses since December 2021.Table

Release of part 2

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-1844- part 2
IA-185423 August 2023First ten emails sent by the ABCC Commissioner and reply to the emails.Emails

Release of part 2

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-1854 - part 2
IA-185417 July 2023Final ten emails sent by the ABCC Commissioner and reply to the emails.Emails

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-18445 July 2023Information regarding the Fair Work Ombudsman’s inspection of agricultural businesses since December 2021.Table

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-185329 June 2023

The last five ‘all-staff’ or mass emails sent by the ABCC - Replies to the final email sent by the ABCC

  • Replies to the final email sent by the ABCC

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-181722 May 2023

A list or report showing the matters (including enquiries, complaints and investigations) recorded in FWO systems relating to the following employers:

  • Victorian Department of Health and Human Services
  • Victorian Department of Health (following MOG change)
  • COVID-19 Quarantine Victoria
  • Victorian Department of Families, Fairness and Housing (following MOG change)
  • Safer Care Victoria

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-180419/04/2023Applicant's interaction with the FWO including records of calls and notes held on internal systems.



Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-1804 Package 1

IA-1804 Package 2

IA-1804 Package 3


Documents relating to FWO’s legal, advisory and conciliations services in regards to all Covid-19 vaccination cases.

  1. For the 2021 and 2022 calendar years a list of all law firms contracted by the FWO to provide legal, advisory or conciliation services and who have received more than $1000 in funding in regards to all Covid-19 vaccination related cases.
  2. The amounts per annum for financial year/s 2021-2022 paid to legal firms under these contracts.

Release in full

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-173409/12/2022A copy of the Fair Work Ombudsman’s estimates briefing pack, including back pocket briefs, for the 2022 October and November Budget Estimates.Brief

Release in full

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-169314/11/2022Documents provided by Bupa to the Fair Work Ombudsman (self reporting) that pertain to the entitlements of persons employed by Bupa as registered nurses, enrolled nurses and assistants in nursing in the state of NSW.



Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-1693 FOI package 1

IA-1693 FOI package 2

IA-145828/02/2022Documents in relation to the FWO's investigation into Austal Ships in 2020-2021.




Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-150718/01/2022Correspondence from the FWO to security companies based in NSW as referenced in the FWO media release dated 1 October 2021 "More than $300,000 recovered for security staff". This advises FWO contacted 16 security companies in Sydney, of which 4 were found to be non-compliant.Emails

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-150618/01/2022Correspondence from the FWO to security companies based in VIC as referenced in the FWO media release dated 1 October 2021 "More than $300,000 recovered for security staff".Emails

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C


Details on the number of FWO staff based in WA.

Details on the number of FWO inspectors based in WA and a breakdown of their activity in the state in 2020-21, 2019-20 and 2018-19.


Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C


A summary report containing the completion date of the first finalised:

  1. fraud-risk assessment for the purposes of PGPA rule 2014 s10(a), and
  2. fraud/compliance audit implemented for purposes of s109(b/d) of the rule per calendar year from 2016 to 2019 inclusively from the Fair Work Ombudsman.

Release in full

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-115418/03/2020Documents produced between 18/09/19 and 14/01/20 regarding the processing of the applicant’s previous FOI request about the assistance the FWO has provided to subclass 417 visa holders, who have undertaken three months of regional work for second-year Working Holiday visa purposes.Emails

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-110920/12/2019The final report (or equivalent final review document) that underpins the announcement in the June 2019 media release about the FWO’s investigation relating to drivers engaged by Uber Australia.Report

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-102508/10/2019Documents relating to the FWO's opinion that led to the press release about the FWO's investigation into the engagement of drivers engaged by Uber Australia Pty Ltd.



Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-101326/09/2019Documents relating to the FWO’s investigation into the engagement of drivers by Uber Australia Pty Ltd - including phone contact with Uber representatives and the number of drivers interviewed.Emails

Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

IA-1013 FOI package 1

IA-1013 FOI package 2

IA-1013 FOI package 3

FOI-104005/04/2019Correspondence of the then Workplace Authority concerning the certification of the Tindsec Labour Hire Pty Ltd Collective Agreement.




Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C

FOI-101803/04/2019Any documents from the archives of the Workplace Authority held by the FWO which relate to the Djooraminda Cottage Carers' Collective Workplace Agreement.



Release in part

All information released to the applicant has been made publicly available under section 11C


Source reference: Freedom of Information Act 1982

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Have a workplace problem?

Problems can happen in any workplace. If you have a workplace problem, we have tools and information to help you resolve it.

Check out our Fixing a workplace problem section for practical information about:

  • working out if there is a problem
  • speaking with your employer or employee about fixing the problem
  • getting help from us if you can't fix the problem.

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