Our policies
Find out more information about our internal policies, procedures and plans.
On this page:
- How we do our work
- Who we work with
- Accessing our information
- Privacy
- Diversity and inclusion
- Tools and resources
- Related information
How we do our work
Our policies are how we interpret and action the laws we enforce. They cover our internal policies and procedures.
- Our Compliance and Enforcement Policy Compliance and Enforcement Policy summarises the services we offer to support compliance with workplace laws.
- Our Media Policy Media Policy explains why and how we engage with the media.
- Our Stakeholder Engagement Strategy Stakeholder Engagement Strategy sets out how and when we engage with stakeholders. It contains the key principles that we use to ensure our stakeholder interactions are consistent, meaningful, productive, transparent and beneficial.
- Our Small Business Strategy Small Business Strategy explains how we support small business employers, such as through our small business educational offerings.
- Our Information Access Policy is available on our Accessing our information page.
Regulator performance
In 2021, the Australian Government released a Regulator Performance Guide (Guide), which outlines updated expectations for regulator performance and reporting.
Read more about the Guide on the Regulator performance page.
Legislative instruments and delegations
Legislative instruments and delegations outline the powers and responsibilities of certain individuals within FWO.
- FWO - Delegation of Powers under the FW Act FWO - Delegation of Powers under the FW Act
- FWO - Delegation of Paid Parental Leave Act Powers FWO - Delegation of Paid Parental Leave Act Powers
- FWO - Directions to Fair Work Inspectors FWO - Directions to Fair Work Inspectors
- FWO - General Authorisation to Consent to Litigation FWO - General Authorisation to Consent to Litigation
- FWO - Delegation of Freedom of Information s10A and s23 FWO - Delegation of Freedom of Information s10A and s23
Audit and Risk Committee Charter
This charter sets out the objectives, authority and roles and responsibilities of the Fair Work Ombudsman Audit and Risk Committee.
- Fair Work Ombudsman Audit and Risk Committee March 2024 Fair Work Ombudsman Audit and Risk Committee March 2024
Artificial intelligence (AI) transparency statement
This statement sets out how we will meet the Australian Government’s Policy for the Responsible Use of AI in Government.
We are committed to a transparent, secure and responsible approach to AI. Its use will be informed by genuine staff consultation.
Read the Fair Work Ombudsman AI Transparency Statement Fair Work Ombudsman AI Transparency Statement.
Procedures for handling suspected breaches of the code of conduct
This sets out how we:
- handle breaches of the Australian Public Service code of conduct
- decide on the sanctions (if any), when an employee breaches the code of conduct.
Download the procedures:
- Procedures for handling suspected code of conduct breaches Procedures for handling suspected code of conduct breaches
Procedures for handling suspected fraud or corruption
Read our procedures for handling suspected fraud or corruption on our Fraud and corruption page.
Our commitment to you
When you contact us, you can expect that we will treat you in a courteous, respectful and timely way. We will help you with your enquiry and take all necessary steps to provide you with a service you are satisfied with.
We recognise that your situation is unique. We will take the time to understand your individual circumstances. We expect to provide you with a greater understanding of your rights and responsibilities under the Australian workplace relations system. You can find out more on the Our commitment to you page.
Who we work with
We work with many different stakeholders, including government agencies, employer and employee organisations and various authorities to promote and enforce compliance with workplace laws. This can be informal or involve a formal arrangement such as a memorandum of understanding or exchange of letters.
We are committed to promoting multi-stakeholder mechanisms such as the Cleaning Accountability Framework (CAF) that support workplace compliance.
Through strategic collaboration with the CAF, we will provide support to promote compliance with workplace laws in the cleaning sector for the benefit of vulnerable workers. Support may include:
- sharing high-level insights about the industry
- exploring training and secondment opportunities
- leveraging stakeholder relationships to promote each other’s work.
In appropriate cases and as an alternative to, or in addition to, contrition payments, support may also include facilitating payments by an employer to the CAF negotiated through enforceable undertakings to further their objective of supporting workplace compliance.
For more information on contrition payments see our Compliance and Enforcement Policy Compliance and Enforcement Policy.
If we become aware of situations or issues that may be relevant to another government agency or authority, we may refer that information to the appropriate agency or authority. If we identify issues that may be criminal in nature, we refer this information to the Australian Federal Police. For example, this may occur if we:
- are investigating a matter and we identify that there may be suspected people trafficking involved, or
- identify breaches of the Fair Work Act 2009 that are criminal offences, such as when an employer or employee organisation gives, receives or solicits bribes.
You can find out more about how we engage with stakeholders at Engagement and collaboration.
Accessing our information
This is our policy on accessing information that we hold.
Download the policy:
For more information about accessing information under the Information Access Policy, visit the Accessing our information page.
Privacy Policy
This is our policy on dealing with personal information.
Download the summary of the policy for an overview:
Download the policy:
For more information on privacy when using our website, visit the Privacy page.
Legal professional privilege policy
This is a guide on how we deal with claims for Legal Professional Privilege.
Download the policy:
Procedures for handling public interest disclosures
This sets out our procedures for handling public interest disclosures under the Public Interest Disclosure Act. Find out how to make a disclosure on our Public interest disclosures page.
Download the procedures:
- Procedures for handling public interest disclosures Procedures for handling public interest disclosures
Diversity and inclusion
Diversity and Inclusion Strategy
Our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy sets out how we will achieve our goals to:
- ensure access and opportunity for all
- increase awareness through training and sharing our experiences
- drive and exemplify an inclusive, flexible and collaborative workplace.
Download the strategy:
- Fair Work Ombudsman Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2024 - 2027 Fair Work Ombudsman Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2024 - 2027
Multicultural Access and Equity Action Plan
Our Multicultural Access and Equity Action Plan ensures that everyone who deals with us gets equal access to our services, including people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
Download the plan:
- Multicultural Access and Equity Action Plan 2023-2025 Multicultural Access and Equity Action Plan 2023-2025
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy
It is important that the Fair Work Ombudsman increase our representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and provide a positive working environment for all. There are many talented Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who possess unique skills and experiences. Increasing our representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will assist us to better meet the needs of the community.
Download the strategy:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy 2022-2025 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy 2022-2025
Gender Equality Action Plan
Our Gender Equality Action Plan sets out how we will embed gender equality across our agency.
We will strive to:
- drive a culture where gender equality is valued and considered in everything we do
- examine and remove barriers for those with intersectional identities
- maintain gender equality in senior leadership and governing boards
- increase the take-up of flexibility arrangements amongst all employees.
Download the plan:
Reconciliation Action Plan
Our vision for reconciliation is for a fair, diverse and socially inclusive workplace where we build understanding and respect amongst our employees for the histories and living cultures of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their contribution to the social, economic and cultural life of Australia.
This understanding and respect will be reflected in our services.
Download the plan:
- Fair Work Ombudsman Reconciliation Action Plan September 2024 - September 2026 Fair Work Ombudsman Reconciliation Action Plan September 2024 - September 2026